Auto Repair Service in Morgan Hill
362 Reviews



Nothing like a mechanic you can trust! I wouldn't take my vehicles to any other shop. Scott is the best!


Very knowledgeable. Excellent work and quick turnaround time. Would highly recommend.


As usual, great service all around.


You have always done a good job on my vehicles thanks it always makes feel better knowing my vehicle is in good shape


Amanda, Scott and the team are great! Always take good care of our cars. Very fair and honest! Highly recommend.


Took care of my air conditioning issue, and stood behind their work


Honest and Great mechanic. I wouldn't take my vehicles anywhere else!


I brought my car into auto solutions for a second opinion/diagnosis of a problem. I had brought my car into another shop previously and they were not able to understand the problem. Auto solutions had the car for about a half a day and were successful in understanding the issue and providing a diagnosis. I later took my car back to my original repair shop and they were able to take the diagnosis from auto solutions and remedy the situation. The other shop actually had a very high opinion of Scott and his team at auto solutions.


Excellent service, very knowledgeable about your issues, highly recommended


Excellent service very friendly!

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